Virginia Tech Hokie Search

The wife and I will be traveling to Blacksburg Va. this week - to the land of the neutered turkey. The occasion is the pounding of a poor left wing university in Ohio by the aforementioned angry birds. The University of Ohio was built in the southeastern corner of the state, in a town called Athens, so as to taunt the educational system of Parkersburg, West Virginia. Not that there is that much to taunt, but the state of Ohio thought that the state of Kentucky had had enough. Besides they had to put something in that part of Ohio, why not a university? By the way, the closest city to Athens, Ohio is Parkersburg. A big night out in Athens is a trip to Parkersburg.
The big claim to fame for The Ohio University is the riots caused by bars closing early to accomodate daylight savings time. Apparently there is a large portion of the student body there that does not grasp the concept of DST. And with their close proximity to Parkersburg, these kids need all the alcohol they can get.
Anyway, we know the marching band director at The University of Ohio and he is a liar. He calls the marching band there the "Marching 110." Bull. There must be at least 726 kids in the band and I know that they have no less than eleventy seven trombones. But he is our friend and even though he needs help with either character issues or math, we will support him just the same.
Oh yeah, I can only find one picture of a Hokie. Neutering turkeys is just mean, man.
See ya in Blacksburg!
GO 110!! HIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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