It's Time to Close the Border

Today I happened across the Alpharetta Roswell (Georgia) Revue & News (volume 21, no. 28). There are two disturbing articles directly related to our border problems with Mexico. The first details the activities of a Mexican gang called SUR-13. Ten members were deported this week because they were illegals. One responded, "I'll be back. It's so easy. People here are stupid." This gang "distributes cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine, and they also commit murders, assualts, drive-by shootings, and auto thefts."
A big thanks to the president and congress for allowing these thugs into our country!
The other article is the listing of all the DUI arrests for the area. This past week there were 25 DUI arrests in the Roswell-Alpharetta area. Here's the strange part. Every individual that had a Spanish surname was also driving without a license. They were the only arrests in which indiviuals were driving without a license. This means that they are probably illegals. All six of the individuals with Spanish surnames were drunk and had absolutely no license.
A big thanks to the president and congress for allowing these drunks into our country!
We all understand that the gang problem here is a mess. Isn't it time to close up that wound that is our border with Mexico? I understand that good people want in. Speed up the process. Get the good guys in here faster. But, in the meantime, close the damn border!
At some point, terrorists will get here the same way. They will kill thousands of innocent people. And I will have to say, "A big thanks to the president and congress for allowing these terrorists into our country!" That is, if I'm not one of the victims.
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