West Good, Islam Bad

The contrast between institutional good and evil could not have been drawn in more stark terms than in the diametric events in the United Kingdom today. On one hand, we have world leaders meeting to come to some agreement on how to best solve third world issues while, on the other hand, Muslims are blowing up innocent people. Meanwhile, Bono is having a fit because those same Muslims have robbed him of air time. I have given up using the politically correct term "Islamic Fundamentalist" until I see the same world-wide condemnation that abortion bombers received from Christian communities. When the Catholic church stood silent on child molesting priests - the church was judged harshly and rightly so. Muslims get no break here either. Until a boat load of Islamic leaders speak up loudly, consistently and with feeling against their jihadist bretheren it will be perfectly understandable to judge the entire religion as a hate filled murdering band of towel heads.
The stupidity of fanaticism is defined not only by the events of today, but by the sum total of events that presaged the G8 Summit. There are those that riot, bomb and spread misery and then there are those who actually do good. Islam (as defined by the complicit silence of its leaders) is the former, not the latter. We'll see how the religion those nuts claim to represent reacts, but don't hold your breath waiting for a swift and compelling condemnation. The rioters at the summit will more than likely see the bombings as the fault of the United States. Of course in the eyes of the left - the terrorists are the real victims here. (sigh)
Meanwhile, resolve against the will of the Islamic community will tighten, Bush may finally get serious about securing our borders, and Ted Kennedy can house all of the Gitmo detainees at the Kennedy Compound in Florida where he can serve them biscuits and tea.
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