Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Do What What With The What What??

Being new at this blogging thing, I have occasionally run into trouble with understanding how to make things do what they do. Of course being a successful blogger requires a certain amount of logic, skill, and intelligence. So that you may appreciate my faults in all these areas let me just say that my VCR (yes, I still have one) is still not only blinking 12:00 - it always has. Needless to say I have sought out the help of PhotoDude in all things bloglike.
Recently, the Photoguy explained via email how to make a link. Note that I said he explained, not that I understood. I got some of the explanation, like at the end I am supposed to press Enter. Once the pressing of Enter is completed, a wonderful technical thing is supposed to happen. At least I think that's right. I did manage to make things happen on the screen. What those things were I am at a loss to describe. My wife is desperate, for some reason, to do "a back up." That can't be good. Soooo, since attempting to reproduce his recipe, and failing numerous times, I have come to the conclusion that personal attention may be required. Which brings me to the next subject.
Last weekend the wife and I bought a gas grill. Of course it had to be assembled and, just in case I couldn't complete the assembly in English, the instructions were written in other languages as well. One of those languages looked very similar to what most bloggers use to communicate with each other. Anyway, I assembled the grill in less than four days with only six parts left over. Not bad for a guy whose VCR has always blinked 12:00.
I cooked much dead meat and no one got sick. Perhaps then, the PhotoMeister
Hisself might be able to be bribed. A lesson in the language of Bloggerdom in
exchange for a giant portion of cooked dead meat. If any one sees the PhotoDude, let him know. Meanwhile, I'll shine the Dude Signal on the clouds.