The New World Threat
It's time to get a perspective on just what the latest threat to world peace has turned out to be. Fanatical Islam has now found a place in history along with communism and facism. Islamic Facists are now killing wherever they can and whenever possible. From the Ivory Coast to the Netherlands, the Pacific Rim and the Middle East, this new threat is real and growing. The larger conflict has yet to reveal itself and is so far limited to a few hot spots around the world. The most threatening aspect, however, is the deafening silence on the subject from supposedly peaceful Muslims. Their complicity is exposed by their refusal to take a loud and firm stand against barbarism. By refusing to condemn these actions they are, in effect, allowing it to spread. The Muslim community is so far using the fact that the world is more concerned about appearing racist than demanding a Muslim response to this new reality. This fear of being derided as impolitic is providing cover for a growing danger.
While a dovish society wrings its hands, wondering what to do and how to avoid the ire of the enemy, the world slowly marches forward to a certain conflagration that will rival both of the first world wars. The fight will ultimately be a religious one. Christians and unlikely allies will be arrayed against a force that rejoices in matyrdom and sees anarchy as a first step towards rebuilding a Holy Muslim Empire. If society thinks that this new enemy will try to salvage anything and thus avoid certain targets or tactics, then society will have greatly underestimated this threat.
The result of all of this will be a horrifying death toll. The non-Muslims will win, but without a moderate wing willing to take a stand, Islam may cease to exist as a force of any kind. All of this can be avoided only if alleged moderate Muslims enter the fight in a forceful and volumous way. The extremists must be isolated within their own religion. It will not make them go away, but it will make them weaker. And the weaker they are, the safer we all are.
While a dovish society wrings its hands, wondering what to do and how to avoid the ire of the enemy, the world slowly marches forward to a certain conflagration that will rival both of the first world wars. The fight will ultimately be a religious one. Christians and unlikely allies will be arrayed against a force that rejoices in matyrdom and sees anarchy as a first step towards rebuilding a Holy Muslim Empire. If society thinks that this new enemy will try to salvage anything and thus avoid certain targets or tactics, then society will have greatly underestimated this threat.
The result of all of this will be a horrifying death toll. The non-Muslims will win, but without a moderate wing willing to take a stand, Islam may cease to exist as a force of any kind. All of this can be avoided only if alleged moderate Muslims enter the fight in a forceful and volumous way. The extremists must be isolated within their own religion. It will not make them go away, but it will make them weaker. And the weaker they are, the safer we all are.
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