We Are All Lunatics!!

I just found out from Just Dean that my sister will give birth in the family tradition. At first I thought he meant that she would give birth in a car pulled over by the police while the driver was being arrested for drunk driving. But apparently Just Dean was referring to a whole other family tradition that I did not know about. Apparently, for generations, the females on my mom's side of the family give birth during full moons. I had to put a picture of the moon with this post because without it people, who know my family tree, would assume the the phrase "full moon" has something to do with my dad and Aunt BettyAnn. Which, of course, it could but thankfully doesn't. I would hate to have to describe that scene from a long ago party, and I don't have pictures of the event. So let's just leave that right there.
Anyway, my sister will download the rug rat during a full moon next week. Exactly who will do all of the howling is still up for debate. We'll just have to check in later.
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