How To Keep One of Kerry's Promises
John Kerry has been full of promises lately. The one I will focus on here is his promise to get more countries involved with Iraq. Instead of taking the right tack, that is "he can't get that done," or the left tack, that is "I believe anything that man says because I hate Bush," I will take the center tack - - "what must be done to get more help from foreign sources?"
First, we must define "foreign sources." For John Kerry that would be France and Germany, or "really old Europe." Now that is done we can look at this from the only available perspective, that of France and Germany. You see, there is a reason that these guys are mad at us. That reason can be summed up by jobs, market share, trade, and the value of the euro. Included in this is the fact that these were, at one time, great countries. Not so much now. So combine economics and national pride and you get what we face now. This brings us to the first big question, "what does France and Germany want in exchange for their help?"
The answer is simple - economic power and prestige. That means that in order to get their help we must give up some of one or both of those things. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING else will do. This is not about hugs and kisses and warm cuddly feel good words and platitudes. This is about money, power, and pride.
They will want us to sign treaties for everything from global warming to trade. From International Criminal Court to Israel. We will have to give in to these kind of demands in order to be blessed with aid from the mighty French Military Complex.
But why these agreements and treaties? Simple. If we sign a treaty on global warming like Kyoto, we will agree that we are the major polluter of the planet and will therefore have to clean up our emissions. No one else will need to do near as much. Our companies will have to spend millions to get this done which will cause their prices to go up and make the US less competitive. This is not an environmental treaty, in reality it's a "let's stick it to US business treaty." If we sign a treaty on the International Criminal Court it will be to erase some of our rights to tend to our own affairs. The ICC is only supposed to go after countries that refuse to prosecute their own, but who gets to determine that? This would be a "stick it to US soveriegnty treaty." In every treaty and agreement look at what we give up and what we get and you'll get the picture.
Now Kerry is not a stupid man. He knows this. He is also not dumb enough to admit it. When Bush stated in the debate that he knows how the world works I could hear the collective sigh from all those who like to comfort themselves in the myth that he is an intellectual light weight. But let's take Bush at his word. Is it even possible that his people figured out what Kerry knows? Is it possible that Bush is not willing to trade soveriegnty in order to get that love of old Europe?
Now back to Kerry. The final question that must be considered is this, "How much of the soveriegnty of the United States are you willing to trade for the help of these two countries?"
If you don't mind giving that up - vote for Kerry. If you don't like the idea of giving it away - vote for Bush.
First, we must define "foreign sources." For John Kerry that would be France and Germany, or "really old Europe." Now that is done we can look at this from the only available perspective, that of France and Germany. You see, there is a reason that these guys are mad at us. That reason can be summed up by jobs, market share, trade, and the value of the euro. Included in this is the fact that these were, at one time, great countries. Not so much now. So combine economics and national pride and you get what we face now. This brings us to the first big question, "what does France and Germany want in exchange for their help?"
The answer is simple - economic power and prestige. That means that in order to get their help we must give up some of one or both of those things. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING else will do. This is not about hugs and kisses and warm cuddly feel good words and platitudes. This is about money, power, and pride.
They will want us to sign treaties for everything from global warming to trade. From International Criminal Court to Israel. We will have to give in to these kind of demands in order to be blessed with aid from the mighty French Military Complex.
But why these agreements and treaties? Simple. If we sign a treaty on global warming like Kyoto, we will agree that we are the major polluter of the planet and will therefore have to clean up our emissions. No one else will need to do near as much. Our companies will have to spend millions to get this done which will cause their prices to go up and make the US less competitive. This is not an environmental treaty, in reality it's a "let's stick it to US business treaty." If we sign a treaty on the International Criminal Court it will be to erase some of our rights to tend to our own affairs. The ICC is only supposed to go after countries that refuse to prosecute their own, but who gets to determine that? This would be a "stick it to US soveriegnty treaty." In every treaty and agreement look at what we give up and what we get and you'll get the picture.
Now Kerry is not a stupid man. He knows this. He is also not dumb enough to admit it. When Bush stated in the debate that he knows how the world works I could hear the collective sigh from all those who like to comfort themselves in the myth that he is an intellectual light weight. But let's take Bush at his word. Is it even possible that his people figured out what Kerry knows? Is it possible that Bush is not willing to trade soveriegnty in order to get that love of old Europe?
Now back to Kerry. The final question that must be considered is this, "How much of the soveriegnty of the United States are you willing to trade for the help of these two countries?"
If you don't mind giving that up - vote for Kerry. If you don't like the idea of giving it away - vote for Bush.
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