Sunday, July 31, 2005

Cobb County Computer Supporters Find A Worm In Their Apple


Kobb Kounty Kooks Klobbered Over Kompooters

Finally, a decision by a judge we all can cheer for. Cobb County Schools (GA), were about to buy every kid in the system a lap-top computer. In an age where "cute-ism" is accepted educational philosophy that sounded like a good idea. But only for a moment. A few highlights:

1) There would be no help desk for computer problems. (Unless each teacher would be considered the help desk).

2) The computers were Apples. Hahahahahahahahahaha!

3) No realistic response to, "Hey, don't kids break stuff?"

4) Bribes? What bribes?

The problem was that in order to pull off this act of sheer stupidity, the board would have to break some laws regarding taxes and spending. Oops.

So Cobb County residents have now been able to reign in, at least temporarily, the Cobb County Board of Education. But keep an eye on them - arrogance like that doesn't just go away.

Friday, July 29, 2005

School? It's Too Soon!

It is hard to believe that school has already started in some places. It wasn't that long ago that school began in September. Now July start dates are becoming common. Not only that, school systems that have early August start dates are eyeing July starts as well. Why has this happened?

Simple. You must remember that schools are a government beauracracy. This means that their numebr one goal is to expand. That is what a beauracracy does afterall. Expand, control, dominate.

Teacher contracts are longer now because of added "workdays." Cobb County Schools in Georgia have five work days before school starts! Talk about padding the contract. How many days can it take for teachers to gossip and get their classrooms ready?

But the backlash is coming. It seems that people are starting to figure out that their local school, as much as they love it, is still a tentacle of a large expanding beauracracy. Fightiung back through the state legislature will be the solution. North Carolina did it. Truthfully, the teachers there did not complain. Less work days may mean less pay, but is also means more time off. the only complaints came from, you guessed it, the people at the top of the beauracracy. After all, what good is power if you cannot abuse it?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Bush Losing Touch WIth Those That Got Him There

President Bush needs a wake-up call. As one who supported the man and voted for him in the last election, I am getting - well - pissed. First let me make one thing clear, I do not believe that presidents should get credit or condemnation for the economy. Presidents are not responsible for gas prices either.

But presidents are directly responsible for national security. On this issue Clinton gets a failing grade and Bush is blowing it in a big way. Let me explain. Clinton knew Bin Laden was a bad boy but interpreted his actions as a law enforcement issue and failed to act aggressively overseas to prevent an attack. Immigration policy was sloppy and look what happened. Clinton failed in his job to secure the safety of America. I do not say this lightly. President Bush's reaction to 9-11 was dead on accurate. This was not a law enforcement issue it was a military one. He rid us of the Taliban but failed to follow through with enough troops to get Bin Laden. Iraq was Ok, WMD or not.

But now Bush is failing on the home front. Our borders are not secure and not only could terrorists get in, but gangs are getting in. It is clear that every one understands that the gang problem is getting worse and that the gangs from south of the border are exploding across our landscape. Meanwhile, the federal government does nothing while local law enforcement is overwhelmed.

But why would this be allowed to happen? Simple. Both republicans and democrats want the hispanic vote and are not keen on doing anything that would rile that rather large, and growing, voting block. Let me take a moment to make one more point. I am for immigration. Our country is full of immigrants.We can all trace our ancestory to another country. (Even the Native American population came from somewhere else).

So what to do? Here are four things that I suggest to help.

1. Part of the illegal problem is the wait time to get in this country. It is too long. It must be made shorter. We must track people who are only supposed to be here for a specific amount of time. When a temporary visa expires, the holder of the visa must go.

2. Close the border. I don't care if it's military, federal or local law enforcement that does the job, but it is clear that the job is not getting done. It is silly that civilians are patroling the border. The President should be embarrassed.

3. Tell the Mexican government to shove it. Their number one industry is money sent to Mexico by illegals. Yes it is sad. But not so sad that we must endure a gang problem here.

4. Spending our money on Mexican development should be a higher priority than spending money on Africa because whet happens in Mexico affects us more than what happens in Africa. I have been to Mexico and seen first-hand the poverty that exists there. People who immigrate here are usually looking for something. We can help make at least some of that dream exist in Mexico.

(See? I am not as mean as you think!)

Bush's failure to deal aggresively with these issues is running counter to the wishes of the overwhelming millions of Americans who put him in office. Actually, I am happy to see civilians patroling the border. Someone has to. I hope they do not give up.

It's Time to Close the Border

Today I happened across the Alpharetta Roswell (Georgia) Revue & News (volume 21, no. 28). There are two disturbing articles directly related to our border problems with Mexico. The first details the activities of a Mexican gang called SUR-13. Ten members were deported this week because they were illegals. One responded, "I'll be back. It's so easy. People here are stupid." This gang "distributes cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine, and they also commit murders, assualts, drive-by shootings, and auto thefts."

A big thanks to the president and congress for allowing these thugs into our country!

The other article is the listing of all the DUI arrests for the area. This past week there were 25 DUI arrests in the Roswell-Alpharetta area. Here's the strange part. Every individual that had a Spanish surname was also driving without a license. They were the only arrests in which indiviuals were driving without a license. This means that they are probably illegals. All six of the individuals with Spanish surnames were drunk and had absolutely no license.

A big thanks to the president and congress for allowing these drunks into our country!

We all understand that the gang problem here is a mess. Isn't it time to close up that wound that is our border with Mexico? I understand that good people want in. Speed up the process. Get the good guys in here faster. But, in the meantime, close the damn border!

At some point, terrorists will get here the same way. They will kill thousands of innocent people. And I will have to say, "A big thanks to the president and congress for allowing these terrorists into our country!" That is, if I'm not one of the victims.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

WHAT? Islam Condems Terror??!!

Finally, a heartfelt condemnation from the Muslim community. Islamic editors have written against violence. Stating that Islam does not condone violence, the editors said that the bombings were indeed wrong.

However. . .

Yep, they qualified their disagreement with the bombings with statements like, "but, there would be no bombings if the US hadn't created the current terrorist climate."

I'm not kidding.

So if a burglar robs your house, his apologists could dismiss the crime with the following: "Of course robbery is wrong, but you know you had such nice stuff he just couldn't help it. If you were poor you wouldn't get robbed at all."

"Of course rape is wrong, but you know, she was just so pretty . . ."

"Of course rioting is wrong, but you know, we were just mad about good ol' Rodney. . ."

So what we have is a wolf in sheep's clothing. An excuse for the terrorist act overlaid in less than convincing anti-terrorist rhetoric signals exactly where the Islamic community stands on this issue. That is, sadly, on the side of evil. There is no doubt that these individuals would not participate in the act, but it is clear that they tacitly endorse the terror and may even be cheering for the bad guys.

So don't give me the ACLU politically correct line that these terrorists are the minority. They have plenty of support. And their support runs deep.

Friday, July 08, 2005

The Sound Of Silence

So today I stuck my head out of the window to hear all of the Islamic condemnation for the London attacks. Other than the sound of a garbage truck backing up - nothing.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

West Good, Islam Bad

The contrast between institutional good and evil could not have been drawn in more stark terms than in the diametric events in the United Kingdom today. On one hand, we have world leaders meeting to come to some agreement on how to best solve third world issues while, on the other hand, Muslims are blowing up innocent people. Meanwhile, Bono is having a fit because those same Muslims have robbed him of air time. I have given up using the politically correct term "Islamic Fundamentalist" until I see the same world-wide condemnation that abortion bombers received from Christian communities. When the Catholic church stood silent on child molesting priests - the church was judged harshly and rightly so. Muslims get no break here either. Until a boat load of Islamic leaders speak up loudly, consistently and with feeling against their jihadist bretheren it will be perfectly understandable to judge the entire religion as a hate filled murdering band of towel heads.

The stupidity of fanaticism is defined not only by the events of today, but by the sum total of events that presaged the G8 Summit. There are those that riot, bomb and spread misery and then there are those who actually do good. Islam (as defined by the complicit silence of its leaders) is the former, not the latter. We'll see how the religion those nuts claim to represent reacts, but don't hold your breath waiting for a swift and compelling condemnation. The rioters at the summit will more than likely see the bombings as the fault of the United States. Of course in the eyes of the left - the terrorists are the real victims here. (sigh)

Meanwhile, resolve against the will of the Islamic community will tighten, Bush may finally get serious about securing our borders, and Ted Kennedy can house all of the Gitmo detainees at the Kennedy Compound in Florida where he can serve them biscuits and tea.

Monday, July 04, 2005

G8 Protest: Absurdity Meets Idiocy

This guy is doing more for conservatism and capitalism than any politician I know!

Attention Whores Alive And Well

It never ceases to amaze me how self involved the left is. Instead of doing things that work, they do things that make them feel better. Of course, benig self involved requires the need for a great deal of attention. The hoopla surrounding the G-8 summit(s) are a perfect example of self-annointed busy bodies protesting the inherent evil of Starbucks and individual responsibility. (Violence is bad, unless of course the target is someone you disagree with). So today, in celebration of the birthday of the greatest most giving nation in history I will buy something made of leather and eat lots of meat. After all, if God didn't want us to eat cows He wouldn't have made them taste like hamburger. I'll see you later, at Starbucks, of course.