Does it really matter who wins? With a split electorate, no mandate and a divided congress, all the Viagra in the world will not cure the next president’s impotence. Each candidate is promising different things to the American public. However, both candidates need to keep in mind that congress will prevent some legislation and water down the rest until it is absolutely ineffective. This means that, for those who like the government to stay out of their lives, the next for years will render the executive and legislative branches inert. A Kerry win will reveal pay back time for judicial nominations. A Bush win will guarantee four more years of judicial malfeasance from congress. The best thing for now is that Hillary will have to wait four years (eight if Kerry wins) to make her presidential run and that is good for Americans everywhere.
Meanwhile out in the nether reaches of America, Florida is proving that they want to remain a national electoral joke. Also, in Defiance County Ohio, crack cocaine is being exchange for voter registration. Republican offices have been ransacked and some Democrats are outraged that dead people and felons will be denied the vote.
Democrats are furiously trying to scare three groups of people into voting their way. Blacks, young people and old people all have something to fear from the evil George Bush. Blacks will be denied the vote while old people will lose their social security and be thrown in the street. During this time the draft will be reinstated so we can invade Canada and stop all those cheap drugs from getting in the country. Worse yet, while plans for the Canadian invasion are almost complete, no one has yet to offer up a strategery for winning the peace. A Canadian quagmire, an influx of ill-behaved French speaking socialist refugees inundating our country, a picture too ugly to be imagined.
And it will only get worse. If Kerry is president, we will invade Canada, but only with UN permission and only to go get cheap drugs and leave. A Canadian civil war will surely follow, but the UN will have to solve that problem.
What a dumb debate. But at least it is a fun dumb debate. By the way, I earlier wrote that the candidates have given up on smart people and are now going after the dumb ones. The Kerry plan is to convince moronic non-victims that they soon will be victims under Bush. The Bush plan is to convince New Jersey that Kerry will allow them to be attacked. Both candidates are now only insulting those who know better. Better hold on to your Viagra. . .
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