Sunday, October 24, 2004

Wiccans, Jesus, and the Klan

Here is an example of your tax dollars at work. Apparently this school district in Washington has decided that kids dressing like witches for a Halloween party are disrespecting a religion. The Christian religion, you ask? Oh no, if the Christian religion was being disrespected that would be OK. The religion in question is the Wiccan religion. Yep, witches. We wouldn't want to hurt a witch's feelings now would we? And besides some kids can't afford costumes and they might feel bad about that. It seems that when I was a kid that we always went trick-or-treating as bums or ghosts. For a bum, just wear what you always wear and say, "I'm a bum." Ghosts require sheets. However in Washington, you might be mistaken for a member of the KKK. Man, that would be trouble. Imagine the punishment for disrespecting the Klan.
So I sit here in amazement at the sheer stupidity of some school administrators. They get paid for this! I'm thinking about going into administration in my district because you really cannot ever get fired. Make stupid decisions and not suffer the consequences? Yeah boy, I can do that!