Mike Tyson Makes A Comeback, Yo

Mike Tyson will replace Ron Artest on the Indiana Pacers basketball team. "I am so excited," said Tyson of the deal. "I get to be beatin' on scrawny white people and get me some moneys. I told coach dat I'd bite em' if he say so. You know, I was born a fighter so I can't wait for da first game." The next Pacers game will only be shown on pay-per-view.
The legendary Don King brokered the deal. "Mike Tyson is the greatest basketball efficienado expert of all time. His prowessnes in the ring has translatability to the court. Of this I am outstandasciously overconfidentable."
Pacers fans are eager to fight Tyson. "This is the greatest thing that has ever happened in basketball, " said one fan. "I'm buying extra beer and popcorn! I mean, to go a few rounds with Iron Mike Tyson? Are you kidding me? It's a basketball fan's dream."
Another fan echoed that thought. "Artest hits like a girl. Tyson will be much better."
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